Progress slows.
The bargaining team for the PTSU, PSAC local 60551, met with representatives of the University of New Brunswick in four days of conciliation between October 21st and 24th. The team is disappointed to report that we made little progress during this bargaining session.
The two teams exchanged several substantial packages over the four days. We managed to come to significant agreement on seniority language without formally signing off on any clauses within the article. We engaged in protracted, respectful, and ultimately useful discussions about hours of work in an effort to understand our differences. And the union tabled a large package proposal to deal with several important issues, such as appointments and conversion of term positions to continuing positions.
In the end, the package proposal dealing with appointments and conversions was set aside, pending future discussion. And while we are disappointed that we were unable to secure fair and reasonable language on working hours during this session, we left confident that the Employer understood the importance of such provisions to our members. We are committed to advancing your interests in stable working hours during the next session.
Conciliation will resume on November 13th-15th.
We thank you for your continued support and solidarity. You are our strength at the table!
In solidarity,
Your PTSU Bargaining Team
Chris Miller (PTSU President)
John Hayden
Sharon Smith
Dawn Dignam (in absentia/on leave)
Raphaëlle Valay-Nadeau (PSAC Regional Rep)
Silja Freitag (PSAC Researcher)
John Eustace (PSAC Negotiator)